London, Laandhaan, Londres, the Town, land of Opium dens, cosmopolitan people and cognitive mapping. Here, simply, are 3 swell new/rising LDN bands.
Trash Kit are ultimate skilled-fun porridge riffs. 'Attack of the 50ft Woman' hits you like an indecisive old woman with her umbrella turned inside-out. I like them a lot because it's refreshing to hear the ammount of emphasis current bands are putting on percussion, and percussive evolution within a song - like Teeth or Male Bonding. 'New Face' especially is an infectious little love.
Wetdog are postfeminist postformalists and all the better for it. Definitely Slitsy, definitely sly, long, linear college harmonies and "exorcist vocals" make this band one to watch with your eyes. '8 Days' is an instant classic, with that immediate packing-up-ready-to-go-home bassline and judgemental twangs. 'Zah Und Zaheet' is like a riot grrrl march into the centre of the earth. Nice face, indeed.
Wikipedia.org are equally at home with shameless fun like 'Tabbed Browsing' as they are with some seerius long, deep stuff. 'Uporm' is a surprising reflection of this, with eerie spoken word and art-damaged, Pavement-y chords. In a parallel universe it could've been a Xiu Xiu song. That's some praise right there.
WETDOG - 8 Days
i guess they can call their band wikipedia.org because of the content of wikipedia existing within the public domain, which would include the word wikipedia.org because there is an article on that. something to think about..
i'll look into it
hey, thought i'd repay the comment favour. sweet blog, and good music taste too x
^_^ thanks miss
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