Monday, 13 April 2009

black time

Are you... uh. Having a... good time tonight?
No. I'm having a BLACK TIME.

Black Time sound like the songs a 12-year-old Taiwanese boy would make up in his head on the way to Graceland, if they were converted directly into sound. In other words, they sound like rockabilly made by a violent skinhead on his day off. But with drum machines. I give up.

Black Time follow a similar logic to the early Grand Theft Auto developers (???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!) - right! So GTA was originally made by a British company, so their vision of America was pretty skewed and more fun and fantastical. It's a similar thing with this delicious meal of a band - they sound like London punks that grew up listening to blues and now have a weird son-father relationship with it. It really works.

p.s. the example chosen here reflects none of this.


BLACK TIME - Skeleton Factory

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