Wednesday 3 September 2008

~ { fleet foxes } ~

after hearing the crippling hype surrounding seattle's Fleet Foxxxxxxxxxxxes, (on sub pop) i checked them out (a year ago i believe señorita) and thought they were good, not for me, good good, not for me, not for me.

turns out they only are! unbelieveably lovely harmonies adorned with utterly cakeish Tiger Lily-esque baroque fudge and gorgeously shtuck forrest melodies. matured like old cabin oak on some lost canadian mountain range, is what they are. especially songs like English House and Mykonos, which i suggest you use hypem to find another blog that isn't to stingy to dish out the files (i can't work out how to link files on blogger) (bless). anyway, have a lovely day!

Drew Apples


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yr sexy