Gordon Bennett! Not only do Bitters sound as good as they look, and taste like nice bitter pints ov ale on a noice sammer's day, but they are so good that they are LITERALLY grazing the possible shelf of New Favourite Band Material. And I haven't had a new favourite band since the early Times New Viking records, and before that, the ancient, craggy blasts of the early Deerhoof LPs like 'The Man, The King, The Girl'. So competition is steep.
But Bitters come as a fully-formed House Party/College Radio Punk Band for the best kind of losers, only with none of the pretentions of not being able to write killer songs, harmonise awesomely, or be (the difficultest, most deadly word)... catchy. They gots it all, basically. They're the kind of band you hear whilst holding the hair up of some puking girl, drunk and bored, and then they play, from a paint-covered stereo in someone's kitchen, and summer is tomorrow. They haven't even played a show yet. I hope I didn't jinx them too bad...
sweet. very
warrior is really quite great
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