i must say that in light of the new 25 things "craze", my hitlist for antagonisingly dull fucking people has increased by at least 25.
right, so, to start. um, hi? this is nothing new you retard, this kind of chain wank has been around since the 90s? and now you're excited? now you're digging up all those anecdotal gems you had buried away in your shitty memories? occasionally, yes, there is a fact that scrapes the surface of vaguely interesting, but isn't it suspect that the vast majority of you ecstatic survey-doers are the most insecure fuckers of the whole bunch? PLEASE VALIDATE MY LIFE, each "fact" screams. it's desperate shit. --
"4. When I was two I used to dress up as a fairy." wow! you are so random! fuck off.
"8. I have never broken a bone." yeah, you must be like bruce willis in Unbreakable, very unique, fuck off.
"25. I'm getting really bored writing this now, lol." really? you're a waste of life.
there's another brand of survey-doers of course, the "postmoderns", whose fucking genius crazy-original survey begins
"1. I believe there is no point in this survey." ZOMG! did you read Kafka or something?! you're crazy clever. shit off.
you ain't gettin bo diddley outta thisun
I agree, although i may have just wasted precious time reading this.
I'll be surprised if your own insecurities about being a writer don't invite you to retaliate to my comment.
Great blog.
i bet i know who you are
i couldnt agree more andrew.
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