many (hopefully) suffer from this problem. i did the maths, and proudly anounced to my sister -- "music has only been around for what, 100 years or something, and jesus christ has been around for like, 2008? so that's only about 1/20th of the time that people have been making christmas music since the world began, and they only make a christmas song, like, one day a year! so that leaves only about 100 songs to choose from!"
it was devestating news for the brain. but it explained why every year we suffer the palindrome, the endless, crushing timewarp of depression that is christmas. -- the jukebox is empty! if everyone spent all their days trying to invent a song that was really awesome, like one note going for the whole song, the best note, that everyone would agree on, then we could just have that as the christmas song. it would be a brown note or something.
Fleet Foxes basically killed all the 'best albums of 2008' lists, so that made me panick. i thought i'd have to buy a teal gillet and do farming or some shit, since that was the only possibility they left for 2009. I admire Scrooge, btu Scrooge was a sellout, he dropped all his valuable capitalist beliefs after a few fucking ghosts had some old pep talks with him!
i was staring at the music channels and trying to work out why suicide rates arent 100%, and i thought, actually the sludgy lead riff in Paul McCartney's' 'Wonderful Christmastime' is fucking great, really muddy and bollocky, like some Scamp pounding on the door with tangy tinsel tits, really zooshy and flappy balls. yeah. so i'm gonna focus on that whilst i cry into my mince pie.
by Paul Jennings
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